So I know it has been months since I posted anything, hopefully over the summer I will be more consistent at posting. So here's a little update on us-Adam and I are both finished with school, I am permanently finished and Adam (temporarily finished) is going to return for his last semester in the Fall. I graduated the first week of May with my Bachelors in Dental Hygiene, and it sure feels good to finally be done! So since we have all this free time on our hands, you are probably wondering what we are doing right? We have gone on a little adventure for the summer and are living in Boston! Adam is working here for the summer and I am just relaxing which is a little wierd. I never thought a day would come in my life where I could just sit and relax. I have always had something (mainly school)to keep me busy and now to have absolutely nothing is crazy, but i'm not complaining and know this "relaxation time" will come to an end faster than I think. It has been fun living in a different part of the country, Boston has so much to see and do!
On the first Saturday I was here a bunch of the girls went downtown to Fanieul Hall which is in downtown Boston. It was a really fun place to visit and had tons to do. There were street performers, shopping, food ect. I want to go back when it's warmer and see more!
All of us that went on the adventure downtown. As you can see we had multiple strollers, people probably thought we were crazy taking this many kids. We took the "T" (that is what they call their subway) into downtown and it was crazy having to pack all of these strollers up and down multiple flights of stairs and on and off the T.
This is Fanieul Hall. It was pretty crowded that day.
Buildings downtown!
This guy was walking around and told us he was in movies, so some of us decided to get a picture with him.
This place was crazy! All of the signs you see in the picture are different resturants. They had everything from pizza, sushi, pasta, indian, chinese, mexican and more. I had a piece of zuchinni pizza that was really good!

This was inside the resturant place, I just thought it was a cool building!
Here is one of the street performers. He climbed this ladder without anything supporting it!

Here is a performer riding a huge unicycle!

Downtown is so pretty!
Waiting for the T! There were some pretty creepy people on it and this guy kept talking to me telling me that he wasn't trying to pick me up, but that it was my job to pick up on him. I just ignored him but he kept talking. Psycho! I'm just glad there were a bunch of us together on there.
Trying to get a picture with Plymouth Rock. Our heads are both quite large however so the picture did not turn out as planned. Oh well what can ya do?
And here it is! The famous Plymouth Rock! If you are looking at this picture and wondering why the rock is so small, don't feel bad I thought the same thing. I was imagining this massive rock, not a rock that looks like it got taken out of someones backyard. It was still cool to see though, maybe back in 1620 this was considered a "big" rock.
Adam and I next to an indian statue.
The National Monument to the Forefathers. This was one of the largest statues I have seen!

This was inside the resturant place, I just thought it was a cool building!
Here is a performer riding a huge unicycle!
Downtown is so pretty!
On Sunday after church, we decided to go see Plymouth Rock with some of our friends. We also saw a replica of the Mayflower, and this really huge statue of the Forefathers. It was a great afternoon and we had a lot of fun!
On Sunday we were able to go see the Boston Temple that is in Belmont, MA. It was really pretty and we were the only ones there. It had been raining really hard that day, and we actually almost turned back because of the rain. I'm glad we didn't and suprisingly it was really nice weather when we got there. We also went and drove through Cambridge, MA where Harvard is at. I forgot to take pictures, but it was a really nice town as well. 

The flowers were so pretty! I really liked these yellow ones and I thought the purple ball ones were really pretty as well.
The flowers were so pretty! I really liked these yellow ones and I thought the purple ball ones were really pretty as well.